Evolution and Trends in Research on Family Digital Leisure: A Bibliometric Analysis
This repository contains the database used for the development of the study "Evolution and Trends in Research on Family Digital Leisure: A Bibliometric Analysis" followed the PRISMA 2020 Protocol. This study aims to analyze the evolution of the field of research on family digital leisure from 2012 to 2022. The analysis, conducted through a bibliometric approach, seeks to identify trends, changes, and emerging patterns in scientific literature. To achieve this purpose, two specific objectives were established. First, the temporal evolution of the field was explored, evaluating the variation in scientific production and academic attention over the last decade. Second, emerging themes and thematic groups that have gained relevance in scientific literature were identified. On January 31, 2023, a search was conducted in the topic section (abstract, title, and keywords) of the Web of Science (WoS), Clarivate Analytics, and Scopus Main Collection. The descriptors used were: (leisure OR game OR entertainment) AND (digital OR internet OR online OR cyber OR technolg* OR ICT OR ICTs) AND (family). This search was limited to the years 2012-2022. The initial search generated 2953 results, which, after removing duplicates, were reduced to 1843 documents. These were subjected to the following inclusion criteria: (1) being articles or reviews and (2) having been published between 2012 and 2022. Consequently, chapters of books, conference papers, and other formats were excluded, as well as scientific production accepted for publication in 2023 (early or advance access). Finally, 1381 documents were obtained to carry out the bibliometric study.
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PRISMA 2020 Protocol
This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Canary Islands Government and co-financed by the European Social Fund