This dataset contains a set of interviews carried out to analyze seafood consumption patterns and informal food supply exchange networks in 2019 in La Restinga (El Hierro), in the framework of different research activities focused on the socio-economic recovery in La Restinga, after the underwater eruption occurred in October 2021.
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Q3 registered households' dietary sources considering different foods, the role of family and relatives in the provision of food, in addition to self-provision. Firstly, we listed different food groups (e.g, fruits, vegetables, protein foods), condiments (e.g. salt, pepper) and cooking herbs (e.g. cilantro, oregano), as well as olive oil for cooking, and beverage groups (e.g. water, wine). After that, Q3 was divided into 4 sections. The first section described what, when and where interviewed families usually eat, considering 5 possible meals per day, which are popular in the Spanish context. Secondly, we asked, specifically, which foods and beverages were consumed at home but not purchased, and how they obtained them. If self-production activities were identified, complementary questions about the existence of fishing boats, crops or farms, were applied. Finally, Q3 contained a set of questions related to the food exchanges (i.e. if families received or brought food to friends or relatives), considering also the type of foods, the exchanges regularity and how they saw them. With this data, we built an Excel database with binomial answers (0/1) and used the package IBM SPSS Statistics 22 to analyze dietary sources among families (n= 26). Participating households were selected by opportunistic sampling to maximize the number of responses, due to the reduced population size.