Systematic review videogames and executive functions in adolescence and early adulthood

Published: 24 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vt65mjfhpv.1


Database with all the reviewed articles (n=1093), together with the exclusion criteria applied for the elaboration of the paper titled "The role of videogames in mediating executive functions in adolescence and early adulthood: a systematic review"


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Methodology Searching of papers for this review has been carried out on the date 17/01/2022. To create this review articles have been obtained from 5 different databases: PubMed, WoS (Web of Science), Scopus, PsycINFO and Science Direct. A common word search has been made, using the terms: (videogam* or video-gam* or video gam* or "gaming") AND ("cognitive" or "executive") AND (teen* or adolescen*). There were some particularities with some databases, since each one work differently: Only “Academic Publications” were selected in PsycINFO, all publications were selected and later separated in PubMed (different searching engine) and Science Direct search was used without using Boolean terms. From the total results, only articles and review articles that have been published between the years 2008-2021 have been selected. This year is the cut-off point because it is from this year onward when there is a bigger academic coverage on this matter (for instance, in the repository WoS there are 18 articles published any time before the year 2008 versus 21 papers only on the two consecutive years including and after that date). Exclusion criteria Most of the experimental research based on videogames and their role in executive functions is heterogeneous, and thus diverse exclusion criteria have been applied in order to enable the sample of papers to be as accurate as possible in the interest of this systematic review. Hence, a total of 5 exclusion criteria have been used, namely: 1) The reviewed article is not focused on executive functions per se (they are mentioned throughout the article only as a secondary means in the design of a new technology, marketing or in relationship with emotions, feelings, beliefs and other psychological constructs) ; 2) The experiment does not mention a young and healthy population sample, without pathologies; 3) The paper does not cover videogames in detail (gambling tasks have not been considered as videogames in this review); 4) The article is in an incomplete, deficient state or is a duplicate not found previously by the software; 5) The methodology used in the paper is not empirical, and therefore not pertinent with this review. Procedure Firstly, metadata of a total of 2088 articles have been extracted, obtained from 5 different databases: WoS (n=476), Scopus (n=440), PubMed (n=487), PsycINFO (n=439) and Science Direct (n=246). After this, the obtained database has been depurated, eliminating 995 duplicated papers by use of the EndNote® software (Thomson, 2003). Previously mentioned exclusion criteria were then used on the remaining 1093 articles, and after reading all abstracts, and the full-text version of the paper in some dubitative cases, a total of 1060 articles were eliminated. Finishing this whole process, a total of 33 articles were in the end selected for their final inclusion in this study.  


Universidad de La Laguna


Systematic Review, Executive Functions, Adolescence, Neuropsychology
