This dataset contains a set of interviews performed in La Restinga (El Hierro, Canary Islands) to analyze the recovery of small-scale fishing activity in the area affected by the volcano eruption that occurred in October 2021.
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Interviews using Q2 were carried out with boat captains/owners to identify those regularly involved in professional small-scale fishing activities, to understand fishermen’s perception of the role of the MPA and the effectiveness of the temporary fishing ban after the volcano eruption. A total of 12 interviews (n= 12) were carried out from a population of 37 small-scale fishermen (owners and seamen included) who work actively but are organized around 25 small-scale fishing productive units on 33 fishing boats authorized to fish inside the MPA. In the aftermath of the fieldwork phase, we built an Excel database with binomial answers (0/1) and used the package IBM SPSS Statistics 22, to analyze the interviews.